Historical Chocolate Facts and Information

1. Christopher Columbus first brought cocoa beans to Europe
Cocoa was first brought over to Europe by Christopher Columbus, who found little interest in them. It later gained popularity in the Spanish Royal Court after Hernan Cortes gave samples of the ‘brown gold’ to King Charles of Spain in 1528.
2. The word cacao came from Mexico
The word cacao originated from the ancient Olmec people, an early Mexican Gulf Coast culture (1500-400bc). The word was then adopted by the Spanish.

3. The word cocoa is a miss-spelling of the word cacao
Cocoa is the Anglicised version of the word cacao and is believed to have come about by miss-spelling by early English traders.
4. Chocolate has been used as a health drink in Europe for hundreds of years
A cocoa health drink has been used to treat over 100 different ailments in Europe over the last few hundred years.
From the 17th to 19th century, drinking chocolate was used to enable patients to gain weight, to stimulate the nervous systems and to improve digestion.
5. Cocoa was first consumed as hot chocolate.
Cocoa was first consumed as a hot beverage by different ancient cultures in Central and South America.
6. Eating chocolate was invented in England by Joseph Fry
Solid chocolate or eating chocolate was first invented by the English company Fry and Sons in 1847.ovie as it was funded by Quaker Oats to promote its new ‘Wonka Bar’.

7. Milk chocolate was created in switzerland in 1887
Milk chocolate was created in Switzerland by Daniel Peter in 1875 using condensed milk.
8. Montezuma II drank 50 cups of chocolate everyday
The Aztec emperor Montezuma II drank more than 50 cups of his “chocolate concoction” every day.

9. The recipe for chocolate chip cookies was exchanged for a lifetimes supply of chocolate
Chocolate chip cookies were accidentally invented by Ruth Wakefield and she exchanged her recipe with Nestle for a lifetime’s supply of chocolate.
10. Quaker Oats renamed ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ for the movie version
The book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ was renamed as ‘Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ for the movie as it was funded by Quaker Oats to promote its new ‘Wonka Bar’.
11. Slaves could be bought for 100 cocoa beans
Cocoa beans were so valued by the Aztec people that a slave could be bought for just 100 beans.
12. Chocolate sustained soldiers during both world wars.
They included chocolate in the ration packs of soldiers during World War One and Two.

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